A New Year

cropped-img_21351.jpgJust as its owner, this blog is a work in progress. 2014 is a brand-new year, with unchartered vistas, innumerable wonders waiting for discovery, personal and spiritual connections to be found, explorations not only for physical and cerebral strength but hoping also for inner enlightenment and happiness.  Throughout the year I look forward to sharing of course my GLOBAL trips – have a few I am investigating  (part of the fun in travel is the planning) and hope to have some serious choices narrowed down soon. There are also many intriguing sites closer to home – for example I recently did a walking tour of the Union Square area where the composer Dvorak lived, worked and drank (more on that in a later posting).  How many of us have taken trips outside of our home towns, visited museums, parks, zoos, theater, remarked on artwork, statues, architecture, food, wine, music but yet have not done the same locally?  While I often go to the theater, and enjoy fine dining (and drinking)  with occasional visits to a small selection of museums, I must admit to not taking full advantage of the myriad offerings right at my fingertips – and this tendency I hope to change in the following year.  And since there is very little I have no interest in (another topic for a later posting) this blog should be fascinating, informative, silly, breathtaking, funny, poignant, hokey, (fill in your favorite descriptor here).

I have always enjoyed sharing my adventures through email, Facebook, Twtter, Instagram etc etc .  I am hoping that this site will provide a fun, easy one stop-place to keep you posted on  me!  

Please  comment – and share this site with others!

7 thoughts on “A New Year

  1. Cindy, congrats on your new blog! I’ve always enjoyed reading about your thoughts and adventures and look forward to hearing about what you get up to this year. Have a wonderful 2014! 🙂

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